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Date Time Name Price Tax Total
4/12/25 10:00 AM WOMENS ONLY HANDGUN FUNDAMENTALS $95.00 $0.00 $95.00 REMOVE
Description: WOMEN’S HANDGUN FUNDAMENTALS This is a Ladies Only class for those women who are either brand new to firearms or have some experience and are ready to take the next step. This introductory fundamentals class will help you to develop both your firearm skills and a defensive mindset. You will learn about different handgun types, safe firearm handling, storage options, ammunition types, grip and stance, sight picture, trigger control, accessories, care and cleaning, and more. This course is perfect if you are planning to attend a CCW class or if you already have their CCW permit and would like to become more familiar with your firearm. If you do not own a handgun, you’ll have the opportunity to shoot different types and calibers of handguns. If you have your own handgun, you are welcome to bring it to WFTC in either a case, the original box, or in a holster if you have a CCW permit. It must remain in the case, box, or holster until you are directed to remove it by the instructor on the range. Prerequisite: No prerequisite Bring pen and paper for taking notes 4 Hours $95 Required equipment – Eye and hearing protection (available for rent from WFTC) Closed toe shoes DO NOT wear a tank top, low-cut V-neck or shirts with spaghetti straps Billed Cap recommended (baseball cap) All class fees are NON REFUNDABLE. If you need to reschedule your class date, please call 262.226.2900 or email the WFTC Training staff at as soon as possible. We require 48 hours advanced notice to reschedule.
Total Due:   $95.00

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12730 WEST BURLEIGH ROAD BROOKFIELD, WISCONSIN 53005 Membership is not required. Open to the Public.